The Pretty Strong Scholarship is awarded to a high school girl graduating from Meade High School, which serves the Fort Meade, Odenton, Severn area in Anne Arundel County. The scholarship is for people who identify as a female and who is pursuing an education or career in a STEM field. Pretty Strong Smart is in the process of organizing to become a non-profit. As such, we rely on donations and other fundraising efforts to raise money to support the scholarship.
2022 Scholarship application is now open!
The Pretty Strong Smart Scholarship is currently open to people who identify as female at Meade High School who empowers other girls and women and is going into a STEM field of study or work.
The scholarship amount for 2022 is: $500
Want to send the application to someone?
Just send this page to a graduating female who goes to Meade High School in Anne Arundel County, Md.
Just send this page to a graduating female who goes to Meade High School in Anne Arundel County, Md.